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DLI Unveils Virtual Stain Removal Course, Webinar and More

August and September events to provide educational, networking opportunities

LAUREL, Md. — The Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) has announced various offerings for educational and networking to occur in August and September, including stain removal courses, metric measurement and more. 

Stain Removal Training Without Travel

DLI’s says its Virtual Stain Removal Course offers drycleaners the opportunity to train staff without time away from the business and extra travel expenses. This seven-day course is a mix of live lectures, videos, and hands-on activities. Classes are given in English and progress is monitored by a series of quizzes and exercises. There is a Final Exam at the end, DLI states, and certificates will be presented to all whom successfully complete the course.

The next course will be offered on Sept. 10 – Oct. 3 from 1 to 3 p.m. Eastern.

The course will cover:

  • Removing coffee, ink, grease and other stains from clothing.
  • Identifying cotton, silk, polyester, and other fabrics.
  • Using bleaches without damaging the fabric color.
  • Using specialty products such as digesters, amyl acetate, and acetone in stain removal.
  • Identifying fibers and fabric construction.

The signup deadline is Friday, Aug. 16. For more information about the course and fees for members and non-members, or to sign up for the course, visit

Metrics Webinar

How do drycleaners know if their stores are profitable? What key metrics can they keep? How do they interpret these metrics?

These questions and more will be answered, DLI says, with its next webinar, “How Do You Know? Measuring Metrics.” The webinar, to be held on Wednesday, Aug. 14 at 1 p.m. Eastern, will be presented by Jeff Alexander of Orlando Cleaners, who DLI says will walk through some figures he uses to determine what’s working in his business and what isn’t. 

Attendees are encouraged to bring P&L or other financial statements to get the most out of this special presentation.

Marketing Lab and More

DLI will also be conducting a marketing lab, with August’s topic being “How do you increase sales of non-traditional cleaning services?”

Members will share sample marketing pieces and brainstorm marketing ideas in the virtual roundtable discussion, to be held on Wednesday, Aug. 21 at 3 p.m. Eastern.

Each Tuesday in August will also be the time for DLI’s weekly member peer meeting, where members can discuss what’s happening and share new ideas, thoughts and tips. The meetings will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Eastern, and will be conducted via Zoom.

For more information on any of these activities, visit the DLI website.

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Have a question or comment? E-mail our editor Dave Davis at [email protected].