Research Center

The Complete Spotting Guide & More

spotting guide

A 116-page, comprehensive, practical guide to textiles and problem garments—as well as everyday items—and how to handle them, from reception at the counter through spotting, cleaning and finishing, with an emphasis on the role of the spotter.

Podcasts for You

Workplace Violence & Prevention

Carol Dodgen and Jay Juffre

After a deadly shooting at a textile care facility earlier this year, preventing workplace violence has gained a new focus for many dry cleaners. Carol Dodgen of Dodgen Security Consulting and Jay Juffre from ImageFIRST discuss warning signs, training, prevention and more.

Cleaners, Raise Your Prices!

Kermit Engh

Kermit Engh of Methods for Management explores why dry cleaners should not be afraid to raise prices when their own cost of production is on the rise. We discuss reasons why most customers will understand this trend, as well as strategies for dealing with those who don’t.