KENILWORTH, N.J. — White Conveyors, Inc. reports it has recently partnered with corporate training firm ManageAssist, Inc. to upgrade the communication skills of its employees.
According to John Moore, director of operations for White Conveyors, his firm, “has thrived for over 70 years thanks to its incredible team that has made it their mission to guarantee our customers get nothing but the best quality product we have to offer.”
One of the participating employees adds that: “Going through the training really allowed people from different departments the chance to learn from each other. The trainer helped to facilitate the exchange of ideas that we otherwise wouldn’t have thought of on our own.
“Learning how to better manage projects, through the methods taught to us, has helped to eliminate a lot of the issues we faced in the past.”
Courses include: Fundamentals of Blueprint Reading; Critical Skills of Customer Service; Effective Communications Skills; and Fundamentals of Project Management.
This intensive four-month training program, the firm relates, was funded by a New Jersey Skills Partnership Training Grant.
Moore indicates that his company: “Recognized that the only way to surpass the level that had currently been reached was by investing in our employees and helping them to acquire additional skills, which will aid the company in the future challenges we face.”
ManageAssist notes that, Fundamentals of Blueprint Reading training was very much hands-on using White’s drawings and additional material supplied by the trainer. The participants were actively involved as they were asked to demonstrate their understanding using sketches, pre-testing, and questions.
White Conveyors is a third-generation family-owned company, it notes, and offers garment and linen material handling solutions.
“White’s future can and will be equally successful as long as we keep investing in our team and helping them to increase their skills through training and mentoring,” Moore says.
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