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Whirlpool Is First Manufacturer to Get Certified With New NSF Allergen Protocol

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Whirlpool Corp. is the first company to achieve certification with a new NSF International protocol (P351) that certifies allergen reduction performance in residential and commercial family-sized clothes washers, the company says.
Washers meeting NSF Protocol P351 certification must remove at least 95% of house dust mite allergens and pet dander, heat wash water to 55º C (131º F), and be easily cleanable, corrosion-resistant and designed to avoid the accumulation of dirt and debris, Whirlpool says.
“We are proud that Maytag Performance Series and Whirlpool Duet washers have received NSF Certification, becoming the first clothes washers to achieve this major milestone for the residential and commercial clothes washer industry,” says Dick Conrad, Whirlpool Corp. director of product management. “Whirlpool Corp. partners with leading experts, such as NSF International, to develop innovations that can help consumers in their everyday lives. Certifying to this new protocol is consistent with our dedication to our customers.”
In 2007, Whirlpool Corp. was the first manufacturer to meet NSF Protocol P172 — Sanitization Performance of Residential and Commercial, Family-Sized Clothes Washers, which tested clothes washers with sanitizing cycles.
“It has been two years since Whirlpool Corp. became the first company certified to NSF International’s Clothes Washer Sanitization Protocol, and now we are excited to announce that once again Whirlpool Corp. is the first company certified to the new protocol for allergen reduction,” says Bob Ferguson, vice president of NSF Engineering and Research Services group, which provides research and development, protocol development, environmental verification and other certification services.
NSF Protocol P351: Allergen Reduction Performance of Residential and Commercial Family-Sized Clothes Washers was developed by a technical panel that included representatives from Wright State University, Ohio State University, and Michigan Technological University; Indoor Biotechnologies Inc.; the Ecology Works; and Whirlpool Corp.
For more information about the protocol, download a .pdf from NSF by clicking here.

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