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M&B Hangers Raises Funds for American Cancer Society

LEEDS, Ala. — M&B Hangers recently donated funds to the American Cancer Society as part of its Pink Hangers campaign, the company reports.

With the purchase of each Pink Hanger, M&B Hangers makes a donation to the American Cancer Society, the company says, which started the campaign in 2010. This year, M&B Hangers presented a check to the American Cancer Society for $7,899.95.

“We were also touched by the generosity of one of our valued customers, FabriClean Supply/Phenix Supply, who ran their own promotion to coincide with our Pink Hanger campaign,” M&B Hangers adds. “With their dedication to the cause, FabriClean Supply/Phenix Supply contributed an additional donation of $1,060 toward the fight against cancer.”

M&B Hangers adds, “Our goal to inspire hope, perseverance, triumph, and courage extends beyond our workplace—it is a part of who we are, and we are thankful for our partners in this endeavor.”

For more information about M&B Hangers’ Pink Hangers campaign, visit

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