CHICAGO — This is your last chance to enter the American Drycleaner 58thAnnual Plant Design Awards (PDA). It’s easy to enter: Just e-mail 2-3 photos of your new or redesigned plant or store to [email protected].
But do it today, time is almost out.
You can use Monday, October 1, as an easy-to-remember final deadline date, but why not just take 30 seconds and e-mail a couple photos now and get entered?
We’ve made it easier than ever for you to tell your colleagues and peers in the fabricare industry about your new plant or store. It can also be a redesign, remodel or renovation project, it doesn’t just have to be a brand new operation.
The Plant Design Awards are now in their 58thyear and the grand prize winner has the opportunity to appear on the front cover of the 2019 issue, and an article appears about the project in that same issue.
This is a prime chance to show off your redesigned, or new, business. E-mail your photos now.
If you are chosen as the grand prize winner, it is also very likely you will be picked to be involved in a podcast where you get to explain all about your project.
It’s a great opportunity to talk about your business to your peers. Also, being on the front cover in print, you join a very select group of winners from nearly six decades, and be remembered forever in the drycleaning industry.
So e-mail photos today to [email protected]. Get in the 58th PDA. It’s last call. Don’t miss it!
Have a question or comment? E-mail our editor Dave Davis at [email protected].