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Home Beautifying: Bonus Revenue (Conclusion)

Table treatments are additional income

CONCORD, N.C. — While a majority of our items are wearing apparel, there are times when our customers turn to our professional care for household items.

It could be drapes, a special tablecloth, napkins, and even placemats. I have one customer that has a full set of table linens for each holiday. I can depend on her for a service of eight after each holiday. That is just like money from home.

But there are pitfalls and considerations that can trip you up along the way to a successful cleaning job.


Table treatments are another source of additional income. To be done properly, one must have the ability to finish a tablecloth on a hothead press. The larger the surface area of the press, the lower the number of “lays” it will take to give the appropriately finished appearance.

Tablecloths are a flat surface under plates and bowls of food and in close proximity to people eating, so tablecloths catch every drip and dribble.

A limited amount of pre-spotting prior to cleaning will reduce the time spent post-spotting.

White and pastel tablecloths can be laundered using water as hot as 140 F and perborate bleach. The darker colors should be treated as fine-washable and washed in water below 95 F and with a mild alkaline detergent to protect the color.

On those occasions that you have napkins that match the tablecloth, it is best to bag the napkins and immerse all the items in the same load. Napkins are more likely to contain chemically soluble stains, such as lipstick. Napkins should be pre-treated with a laundry degreaser prior to cleaning.

Placemats must be returned like new. It is important to use wet-sizing to give them a crisp hand after pressing.

You need not fear household items but they require a plan before you begin your task of cleaning.

To read Part 1, go HERE.

Have a question or comment? E-mail our editor Dave Davis at [email protected].