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‘Happy Life,’ ‘Good Health’ and ‘Make More Money’ Among Drycleaner Holiday Wishes

Survey also reveals most want ‘new equipment’

CHICAGO — “A better upcoming year,” one dry cleaner responds to an American Drycleaner Your Views survey asking the trade audience to share holiday wishes by finishing this thought: “All I want for Christmas is —”

Some other responses:

  • “A cooler plant before next summer.”
  • “I want reliable, honest, and professional customer service people to work for me.”
  • “Be out of business debt.”

The survey also asked, “What new ‘toys’ would you like?”

As shown in the chart, 74% indicate they want new equipment, and 32% want a new “look” for their store. Eighteen percent want new “extras” for customers, such as TV, music, free popcorn, candy, coffee, etc. Eight percent checked “Other.” (Editor’s note: Percentages don’t equal 100% because respondents could choose more than one answer.)

Those who chose “Other” were asked to elaborate. One respondent wants “Better communications with our customers.”

Do you set aside enough time to wish and dream? Among survey respondents, 57.4% say they do, 24.1% want to but don’t have the time, 11.1% seldom do, and 7.4% do not.

Another question posed: “What’s on your operational ‘wish list’?” Some of the responses:

  • “More new equipment.”
  • “To double income.”
  • “Better qualified employees.”
  • “Automated assembly.”
  • “Additional locations.”
  • “Automation.”

Dry cleaners were also asked how much traveling to trade shows they plan to do in the coming year. Roughly 70% indicate they will travel to more trade shows in 2017, while the remaining 30% are planning no trade show travel.

Within the traveling group, 24.5% plan to attend the Clean Show in Las Vegas “for sure,” 26.4% will travel to Clean and “other events,” and 18.9% will attend “a conference or seminar close to me.”

Finally, more holiday wishes from respondents finishing “All I want for Christmas is —”

  • “A new boiler.”
  • “A bigger piece of the pie.”
  • “More pieces and a switch to bar-coding.”
  • “Some time off.”
  • “To make more money.”
  • “To double my customer base.”
  • “Good health,” and lastly...
  • “A happy life.”

The American Drycleaner Your Views survey is a snapshot of the trade audience’s views. Qualified subscribers to American Drycleaner e-mails are invited to participate anonymously in the unscientific poll.

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Have a question or comment? E-mail our editor Dave Davis at [email protected].