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Energy a Bottom-Line Concern, Drycleaners Say

CHICAGO — With oil and gas prices going up, three-quarters (76.0%) of drycleaners feel energy efficiency is “Very important” to their plant’s bottom line, according to the most recent survey appearing in the Wire. Another 20% of respondents said that it was “Somewhat important.”
Most respondents are employing multiple strategies to keep fuel costs down and profits up, with 61.5% reporting they “Perform maintenance to ensure equipment is running at peak performance.” More than half (53.9%) say they installed equipment and accessories that increase overall energy efficiency, and 53.9% “Instituted strict procedures to control levels of energy use.”
Just 11.5% of drycleaners reported they have done nothing to cut energy costs, and the 11.5% who cited “Other” strategies reported switching from fuel oil to cheaper natural gas, and concentrating on increasing sales.

Have a question or comment? E-mail our editor Dave Davis at [email protected].