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Off the Cuff: Get to Know.... Dave Coyle

Owner, In The Bag Cleaners

CHICAGO — In this latest installment of Off the Cuff, where readers can meet and learn more about someone from the fabricare industry, let’s get to know Dave Coyle, owner of In The Bag Cleaners.

Tell us where you were born, grew up, and reside today?

“I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Today, I live in Wichita, Kan., with my beautiful wife Aram. We have four kids: Brie (20), Ethan (11 - adopted from Guatemala at birth), Pari (2) and Penelope (newborn).”

Hobbies (that you’ll admit to)?

“I love doing anything on the water — boating, sailing, skiing, surfing, fishing. I love to vacation in the Caribbean, mostly in the more remote island chains of the Bahamas.”

What gets you excited at work?

“Marketing. Marketing. Marketing. Coming up with unique solutions to our clients’ pain points. I also love team-building with my internal group of 78 team members.”

Lastly, tell us a secret (keep it clean) nobody knows about you?

“I went to an all boys prep school for all of high school. I was around a lot of bright kids with tons of ambition. Very competitive both in the classroom and on the sports fields.”

(Do you want to take part, or know someone who does? E-mail [email protected].)

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Dave Coyle, owner of In The Bag Cleaners, and his family. (Photo: Dave Coyle)

Have a question or comment? E-mail our editor Dave Davis at [email protected].